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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - register


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »OFFICIAL LIST« an official list containing the names of all the people, organizations, or things of one particular type  (a civil register of births, deaths and marriages | children on the `at risk' register) 2 »OFFICIAL BOOK« a book kept for a special purpose, such as in a church or registry office, which a man and woman sign after their marriage ceremony  (the school attendance register) 3 »MUSIC« technical the range of musical notes that someone's voice or a musical instrument can reach 4 »LANGUAGE STYLE« technical the words, style, and grammar used by speakers and writers in a particular situation or in a particular type of writing  (the correct register for a formal social situation) 5 »BUSINESS MACHINE« a cash register 6 »HEATING CONTROL« AmE a movable metal plate that controls the flow of air in a heating or cooling system ~2 v 1 »ON A LIST« a) to record a name or details about someone or something in an official list  (We are registering the baby's birth this morning. | The tanker is registered in Rotterdam. | be registered (as) unemployed/disabled etc (=be on an official list of a particular group)) b) to put your name on an official list, for example when you arrive at a hotel, join a course of study etc + for  (How many students have registered for English classes?) 2 »SHOW A FEELING« to show or express a feeling  (Her face registered shock and anger.) 3 »STATE YOUR OPINION« formal to officially state your opinion about something so that everyone knows what you think or feel  (The delegation registered their protests at the White House meeting.) 4 »REALIZE« I usually in negatives, if something registers, or if you register it, you notice it or realize it and then remember it  (She must have told me her name, but it just didn't register. | I'd been standing there for several minutes before he registered my presence.) 5 »MEASUREMENT« if an instrument registers an amount or if an amount registers on it, the instrument shows or records that amount  (The thermometer registered 98.6°.) 6 »MAIL« to send a parcel, letter etc by registered post  (Did you register the parcel?)
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  (registers, registering, registered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A register is an official list or record of people or things. ...registers of births, deaths and marriages... He signed the register at the hotel... N-COUNT 2. If you register to do something, you put your name on an official list, in order to be able to do that thing or to receive a service. Have you come to register at the school?... Thousands lined up to register to vote... Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job ... About 26 million people are not registered with a dentist. VERB: V, V to-inf, V for n, V-ed 3. If you register something, such as the name of a person who has just died or information about something you own, you have these facts recorded on an official list. In order to register a car in Japan, the owner must have somewhere to park it... ...a registered charity. VERB: V n, V-ed 4. When something registers on a scale or measuring instrument, it shows on the scale or instrument. You can also say that something registers a certain amount or level on a scale or measuring instrument. It will only register on sophisticated X-ray equipment... The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scale... VERB: V on n, V n 5. If you register your feelings or opinions about something, you do something that makes them clear to other people. Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party... VERB: V n 6. If a feeling registers on someone’s face, their expression shows clearly that they have that feeling. Surprise again registered on Rodney’s face. = show VERB: V on n 7. If a piece of information does not register or if you do not register it, you do not really pay attention to it, and so you do not remember it or react to it. What I said sometimes didn’t register in her brain... The sound was so familiar that she didn’t register it. VERB: V, V n 8. In linguistics, the register of a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English registre, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, plural, ~, from Latin, neuter plural of regestus, past participle of regerere to bring back, pile up, collect, from re- + gerere to bear  Date: 14th century  1. a written record containing regular entries of items or details  2.  a. a book or system of public records  b. a roster of qualified or available individuals a civil service ~  3. an entry in a ~  4.  a. a set of organ pipes of like quality ; stop  b.  (1) the range of a human voice or a musical instrument  (2) a portion of such a range similarly produced or of the same quality  c. any of the varieties of a language that a speaker uses in a particular social context  5. a grille often with shutters for admitting heated air or for ventilation  6. registration, registry  7.  a. an automatic device ~ing a number or a quantity  b. a number or quantity so ~ed  c. cash ~  8. a condition of correct alignment or proper relative position  9. a device (as in a computer) for storing small amounts of data; especially one in which data can be both stored and operated on  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make or secure official entry of in a ~  b. to enroll formally especially as a voter or student  c. to record automatically ; indicate  d. to make a record of ; note  e. perceive; also comprehend  2. to make or adjust so as to correspond exactly  3. to secure special protection for (a piece of mail) by prepayment of a fee  4. to convey an impression of ; express  5. achieve ~ed an impressive victory  intransitive verb  1.  a. to enroll one's name in a ~ ~ed at the hotel  b. to enroll one's name officially as a prerequisite for voting  c. to enroll formally as a student  2.  a. to correspond exactly  b. to be in correct alignment or ~  3. to make or convey an impression  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably alteration of registrer...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1) регистр регистрировать 2) вентиляционная решётка 3) шибер, заслонка (дымовой трубы) 4) совпадение; совмещение совпадать; совмещать(ся) 5) счётчик 6) счётная схема считать, вести счёт 7) регистратор, регистрирующий прибор; самописец, самопишущий прибор 8) полигр. приводка; совмещение out of register — имеющий плохую приводку, с нарушением приводки - acceleration register - accumulator register - address register - air register - arithmetic register - base register - beam-to-phosphor register - boundary register - bound register - breakpoint register - bubble shift register - buffer register - camera-to-press pin register - check register - circumferential register - clock register - color-to-color register - color register - command register - control register - current-instruction register - data register - data-limit registers - deceleration register - delay-line register - display register - dynamic register - electronic cash register - error register - exchange register - extension register - external register - fault register - feedback shift register - film register - flag register - flip-flop register - floating-point register - forward-acting shift register - functional register - general-purpose register - general register - holding register - home register - icand register - ier register - index register - inking register - ink register - input register - input-buffer register - input/output register - instruction register - instruction address register - internal register - interrupt register - lateral register - length register - mask register - maximum-length shift register - memory register - memory address register - meter register - modifier register - multiplicand register - multiplier register - n-stage shift register - numerator register - op register -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  регистрирующий прибор регистрировать регистр вентиляционная решётка с многостворчатым клапаном; регулирующая заслонка; отдушина; регистр air register exhaust register general register for building operations supply register warm air register ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) регистр; регистрировать 2) счетчик – address register – arithmetic register – automatic register – auxiliary register – buffer register – clock register – common-purpose register – data-buffer register – data-transfer register – equipment identification register – exchange register – four-ended register – frequency register – handshaked separator register – information register – inking register – internal register – Latin code register – shift register – memory register – n-byte register – n-digit register – number receiving register – outgoing register – program register – program level register – readout register – Russian-code register – three-digit register – translation register ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) ведомость 2) заслонка 3) накопитель 4) отмечать 5) пересчетчик 6) регистр 7) регистрировать 8) регистровый 9) реестр 10) реестровый 11) сумматор 12) фиксировать delay line register — регистр на линях задержки memory address register — регистр адреса ячейки памяти register against the scale — давать отсчет по шкале register reference instruction — команда обращения к регистру - augend register - automatic register - buffer register - cash register - flip-flop register - general register - impulse register - index register - input register - instruction register - internal-function register - memory register - message register - multi-bit register - multiplicand register - multiplier register - multiplier-quotient register - number register - octal register - opcode register - operation register - operation-address register - output register - product register - register capacity - register control - register file - register finder - register length - register of meter - register pin - shift register - stack register - stage of register - status register - temporary register - transfer register ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) реестр; регистр; список; указатель; журнал 2) регистрировать, заносить в реестр; вносить в список 3) (в полиграфии) приводка, совмещение; метка для контроля совмещения – to register a trademark – register of attorneys – register of available patents – register of copyright – register of designs – register of Industrial Property Rights – register of patent – register of patent applications – register of marks – card register – Industrial Design register – International register of Marks under the Madrid Agreement – International register of Tape Faces under the Vienna Agreement – online register – principal register – supplemental register REGISTER 1. сущ. 1) общ. журнал, книга для записи (напр., бортовой, школьный и др.) See: "account book, "journal 2) общ. список, перечень, реестр, регистр (предметов, фактов, событий, имен и др.); указатель to discover by the register — обнаружить по списку to call the register — вызывать по списку See: "list 3) учет журнал, бухгалтерская книга, учетный регистр, регистр бухгалтерского учета (документы для регистрации и группировки данных бухгалтерского учета о наличии средств и операциях с ними (напр. карточки, ведомости, бухгалтерские книги и т. п.)) See: "book of prime entry, "book of final entry, "daybook, "cash book, "general ledger, "account book, "cross-indexing 4) общ. запись, заметка, помета (письменная фиксация какого-л. факта); регистрация, запись the register of a marriage birth — запись о...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. журнал (записей), реестр; метрическая книга ship's register —- мор. судовой регистр a register of births, marriages and deaths —- книга записей актов гражданского состояния (рождения, брака и смерти) parish register —- приходская книга записей актов гражданского состояния 2. официальный список, реестр, опись; ведомость register of properties —- земельный реестр, земельный кадастр a civil service register —- список государственных служащих register of electors —- список избирателей (в Великобритании) 3. ист. сборник образцов судебных документов 4. запись register of interment —- запись о погребении it is worth register and preservation —- это стоит записать и сохранить 5. регистратор, протоколист 6. спец. регистр 7. муз. регистр, группа труб одинакового тембра (в органе) 8. регистр, участок звукового диапазона chest register —- грудной регистр 9. тех. счетчик; накопитель; регистрирующий механизм, самозаписывающий прибор 10. тех. заслонка, задвижка 11. тех. отдушина 12. полигр. приводка 13. ленточка-закладка (в книге) 14. регистрировать; вносить в список to register one's car —- зарегистрировать автомобиль 15. (with, for) регистрироваться, зарегистрироваться; отметиться где-л.; записаться на что-л. to register (oneself) at a hotel —- ам. записать свое имя в книгу...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) журнал (записей); официальный список; опись; реестр; метрическая книга; to be on the register amer. - находиться под подозрением; быть взятым на заметку; ships register - судовой регистр  2) запись (в журнале и т.п.)  3) mus. регистр  4) tech. счетчик, счетный механизм; - cash register  5) заслонка (в печи и т.п.)  6) typ. приводка  7) attr. register office = registry  1)  2. v.  1) регистрировать, вносить в список; In former times, only properly owners could be registered as voters.  2) регистрироваться, зарегистрироваться; отметиться где-л., записаться на что-л.; to register oneself -  а) вносить свое имя в список избирателей;  б) зарегистрироваться, отметиться; How many of you have already registered as students? An increasing number of students are registering for degree courses each year.  3) coll. выражать; показывать; отражаться; his face registered no emotion - его лицо оставалось невозмутимым; A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face.  4) показывать, отмечать, регистрировать (о приборе)  5) сдавать на хранение (багаж)  6) запечатлевать(ся)  7) посылать заказное письмо или заказную бандероль ...
Англо-русский словарь


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